Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I'm still processing this, so I will respond more completely to it later, but I found in my email this morning something from the Waco District. Our Conference has decided that in September all our churches will unite in emphasizing the church's mission: MAKING DISCIPLES OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE WORLD.

Incredibly, attached to the email were outlines for the sermons for the 3 Sundays we are to plug this theme. I won't even have to figure out what to preach!

Except for the fact that I am not going to use their outlines.

Unless the Bishop puts it out on podcast, in which case I'll lip-sync.


At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please please please call me if you decide to lip-sync....i would love to see that live!

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too, but did you think about just plugging in the TV, letting the Bishop preach andyou take a vacation?


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